Tabletop Exhibits and Exhibitors are subject to the following Rules & Regulations. "Management" refers to the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA), owner of the Industrial Heating Decarbonization SUMMIT, and its service contractors. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to read, understand and be familiar with all rules & regulations as all rules and regulations will be enforced.

  1. Contract for Tabletop

    Your properly executed contract is a valid and binding contract between the exhibiting company and the Industrial Heating Equipment Association, owner of IHEA’s Industrial Heating Decarbonization SUMMIT. After assignment, tabletop location may not be changed without Management’s prior written approval. Requests for tabletops will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis when a signed contract is received with payment. Should the facility or designated halls change after initial tabletops have been confirmed, Management reserves the right to re-layout the exhibit hall and reassign tabletops according to the order of a paid contract was received.

  2. Use of Tabletop Exhibit

    All display materials MUST be confined to the top of your table with the exception of one 36" x 80" (maximum) pop up banner displayed directly behind the table. Displays on top of the table may not exceed 48 inches (4 feet) from the top of the table. No display materials are permitted on the floor of the tabletop exhibit room. Tabletop exhibits may not project beyond allotted tabletop or interfere with the lighting or tabletop of other exhibitors. Aisles must be kept clear of exhibits, and materials displayed on the table may not interfere with the free flow of traffic. No tabletop exhibitor may assign, sublet, or share all or part of their tabletop with other tabletop exhibitors. Tabletop exhibitors may display only products and services they officially represent.

    Demonstrations or related activities must be confined to tabletop exhibitor’s assigned tabletop, as must distribution of flyers, catalogs, folders, promotional materials, and devices. None of these may be distributed in the aisles, meeting rooms, registration areas, or any other rooms or areas of the Tabletop Exhibit and SUMMIT. Tabletop exhibits may not contain sound systems or noise-making devices that annoy or disturb adjacent tabletop exhibitors. Management may restrict, reject, eject, or prohibit any exhibit or exhibit personnel, in whole or part, which detracts from the exhibition due to sound, appearance, distribution of materials, personal conduct, or anything Management rules to be objectionable. In enforcing these regulations, Management is not liable for refunds of tabletop rental or other expenses incurred by tabletop exhibitor.

    Management reserves the right to limit the rental of tabletop exhibits to those companies exhibiting products and/or services which are directly related to industrial heating decarbonization. Final determination of eligibility to participate in the tabletop exhibition based upon relevancy to the industrial heating market will be at the discretion of Management.

  3. Tabletop Specifications

    A standard 6-foot x 30-inch table will be provided. The tabletop exhibit will be held in a carpeted ballroom. No signs may be hung from the ceiling nor walls.

  4. Installation and Removal of Exhibits

    All tabletop exhibits must be installed no later than one hour prior to the opening of the SUMMIT on the first day and remain in place until the published closing time on the final day. Failure to occupy tabletop one hour prior to the SUMMIT opening gives Management the right to use such tabletop as they deem fit without any obligation of returning any amount paid by tabletop exhibitor. Tabletop exhibitor shall not dismantle or start packing prior to closing time. No tabletop materials will be installed or removed during the SUMMIT hours.

  5. SUMMIT Registrations

    SUMMIT registration discounts for exhibitors includes a $250 discount on TWO SUMMIT registrations for IHEA members and $150 discount on TWO SUMMIT registrations for non-members. All exhibit personnel must pay to register for the SUMMIT.

  6. Cancellation/Refund Policy

    Management will refund 50% of tabletop payments made if tabletop, or any portion thereof, is canceled in writing at least 120 days prior to the SUMMIT opening. No refund thereafter. Upon receipt of cancellation in writing by a tabletop exhibitor, ALL rights associated with being an exhibitor are relinquished.

  7. Liability

    Neither the Industrial Heating Equipment Association, Goyer Management International, nor the Exhibition Facility, their officers, employees, or representatives is responsible for the loss, damage or injury to tabletop exhibitor or tabletop exhibitor’s employees or property from any cause, before, during or after period covered by this contract. Tabletop exhibitor, upon signing their contract, releases Management, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association, Goyer Management International, the Exhibition Facility, their officers, employees, and representatives from, and agrees to indemnify same against any claims for loss, damage, or injury.

    Tabletop exhibitor assumes responsibility for accident, injury, or property damage to any person visiting their exhibit, where such accident, injury or damage is caused by negligence of the Exhibitor, or their employees or agents.

    Tabletop exhibitors insuring materials and/or personnel do so at their own expense. Tabletop exhibitors utilizing independent (non-official) contractor services agree to forward to Management a Certificate of Insurance naming Goyer Management, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association, the Conrad Indianapolis and official service contractors as co-insureds.

    Management is not liable for nonfulfillment of commitment for delivery of tabletop if the event is cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the Industrial Heating Equipment Association and Goyer Management International including fire, accident, acts of God or public enemy including terrorist attack, strike, authority of law, curtailment of transportation, pandemic, or any other cause. If exhibition is cancelled, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association and Goyer Management International’s sole liability is to reimburse tabletop exhibitor the tabletop rental fee, less any costs or charges paid or incurred by Management up to the date of cancellation for promotion, administration, and similar purposes. This shall be the sole remedy and will terminate this agreement without further claim for damage.

  8. Protection of Exhibit Facility Property

    Use of screws, bolts, nails, staples, tacks, pins, tape, or other items that may deface or damage floors, walls, ceilings, doors, or other exhibit facility property is prohibited. Tabletop exhibitors must repair damage at their own expense.

  9. Security

    Management shall provide guard service throughout the hours of installation and tear-down periods, and exercise reasonable care for the protection of tabletop exhibitors’ materials and displays. Beyond this, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association, Goyer Management International and the Conrad Indianapolis or any officer or staff member thereof will not be responsible for the safety of the property of the tabletop exhibitor, their employees, or agents, from theft, damage by fire, accident, or any other cause. Exhibitors must provide their own insurance and/or policy riders to cover all contents.

  10. Licensing Agreement/Fees

    Tabletop exhibitor acknowledges and accepts responsibility for securing any licensing agreements and royalty payments for the use of music, video or printed materials that may be protected under United States copyright laws.

  11. Photography & Videotaping

    The taking of photographs and/or videotaping is restricted exclusively to your own tabletop(s) at all times. You may not photograph or videotape other exhibitors’ tabletops at any time. Violators will have their cameras/mobile phones, etc. confiscated and must surrender their badge to Management. The Industrial Heating Equipment Association and Goyer Management International reserve the right to photograph and video all tabletops throughout the SUMMIT and use them for promotional purposes. The signing of the SUMMIT tabletop contract give permission to the Industrial Heating Equipment Association and Goyer Management International to photograph and video the exhibitors’ tabletop and use them as they’d like.

  12. Utilities

    Management will exercise proper and reasonable care to ensure all services are installed and operational during tabletop hours. However, Management cannot be held responsible for late installation or interruption of service.

  13. Union Regulations

    Tabletop exhibitor agrees to abide by any union regulations that might be in force at the Exhibition Facility or with all authorized service contractors hired by Management.

  14. Handling and Storage

    The Industrial Heating Equipment Association, Goyer Management International and the owners/managers of the facility where the exhibition is to be held shall not accept nor store display materials or empty crates. Tabletop exhibitor shall make their own arrangements for shipments, delivery, receipt, and storage of such materials and crates directly with the shipping/receiving company. The tabletop exhibitor must provide the shipping/receiving company with all bills of lading. All shipments and deliveries to the tabletop exhibition must be prepaid.

  15. Hospitality

    Tabletop exhibitors agree to refrain from hosting any kind of activities during SUMMIT and tabletop exhibition hours. These include meetings, hospitality, and off-site functions of any kind.

  16. Age Restrictions

    No one under the age of 18 will be allowed on the tabletop exhibition floor at any time, including set-up, teardown, and tabletop hours.

  17. Amendments

    These rules may be revised by the Industrial Heating Equipment Association and Goyer Management International and all points not covered are subject to the Industrial Heating Equipment Association and Goyer Management International’s decision.